January 18, 2025
How Can You Tell When Your Facebook Account Was Created?

Do you want to know the exact date you created your Facebook account? We’ll show you some methods that could help you with this task.

Social networks have become an essential part of our lives, and Facebook remains one of the most popular at the moment.

And with the use of several platforms at the same time, it is very easy to forget which of all was the first one you used and its creation dates.

So if you ever want to know when your Facebook account was created, you are in the right place. Here we will show you the best and most effective to know the exact date you created your account on the Mark Zuckerberg platform.

You can know the date you created your Facebook account

Do you want to know exactly when you created your Facebook account? Well, the truth is that there are several ways to do it.

Facebook offers its own way to help you find your sign-up date, and there are other workarounds you can use as well.

Each method has a variable precision percentage.

That is, depending on the access you have (whether or not you can access your Facebook account), you can use one of these methods to find your date of entry to the popular platform.

Find out when your account was created.

If you can log into your Facebook account, there is a section that tells you when you created it.

This is the best way to find the date you joined the platform, as it provides the most accurate answer. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  • Open the Facebook website from your favorite browser and log into your account if you haven’t already.
  • Once you are logged in, click on the down arrow icon at the top right of the screen.
  • Select the Settings and privacy option.
  • In the menu that you will see below, choose the Settings option.
  • Now, in the left sidebar, click on the option that says Your Facebook information.
  • Here several options will appear in the right panel, click on the View option next to the Access your information section.
  • Then, in the Your information section on the left, select Personal Information.
  • There you will see the section Date of creation of your account and know the exact moment at which you joined the platform.

You can also know your date of entry to Facebook with the welcome email to the social network

When a user signs up for an account on Facebook, the platform sends them a confirmation and a welcome email.

If you have access to the email account you used to create it, you may be able to find the message in your inbox and it should tell you your registration date.

This is the best method if you no longer have access to your Facebook account or if you have recently created it and can therefore easily access the welcome email.

Although if you have been on the platform for a long time, it is likely that this message no longer exists, so you will have to try another option.

Facebook generally asks you to upload a profile photo as soon as you’ve finished creating an account, and you can even use a temporary profile photo whenever you want. This means that the upload date of your first profile photo should be the date you signed up for the social network.

However, this is not always the case, and some people prefer not to upload a profile photo, so this method will not work for everyone.

But if you want to try, all you have to do is enter your Profile Photos album and locate the oldest or the first one that you uploaded to the platform.

And if you have already been tired of using Mark Zuckerberg’s social network, we recommend that you consult how to deactivate a Facebook account permanently.

♦You may also want to know How to hide your Facebook stories from someone specific
♦And How to unlink your Instagram and Facebook accounts
