February 11, 2025
How to Check Who Enters Your Facebook

This is the simplest way to know from where you have opened your Facebook account, both on computers and mobile phones.

As you all know, Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world. With more than 2.449 million active users per month, it is not surprising that there are all kinds of people on the platform, so the security issue is quite delicate in this regard.

With a thousand and one stories that are heard about privacy violations, hacks, identity theft, and more, it is important that you take very seriously the way you protect your data and especially how you access it.

That’s why we ask you, have you ever had the suspicion that someone is logging into your Facebook account without your consent? If this has happened to you, in addition to being a very uncomfortable situation, we will tell you what you can know easily and quickly just by following a few steps.

So take note of what we are going to present to you below so that you know how to know who enters your Facebook without your permission and above all, know from what location they do it.

Best of all, you can do this tutorial by accessing it from the web on your computer or if you prefer, from the mobile application. In both cases, you will have the same result.

Find Out Who Accesses Your Facebook From The Computer

To check the logins to your Facebook account from a computer is very simple. Follow the steps that we detail below to achieve it:

  • Access your Facebook account. Once in your profile, go to the “options” button located in the upper right that has a down arrow icon.
  • When the menu is displayed, click on “settings and privacy” and then choose “Settings” which has a gear icon.
  • Find out who accesses your Facebook from the computer
  • Once inside the settings section of your Facebook account, go to “Security and login” located in the upper left.
  • Discover who accesses your Facebook from the computer-2
  • Now, go to the “Where are you logged in” section to get a detailed list of all the devices where you have logged in.

Also, you can click on the “See more” section to obtain a larger list.

Discover Who Accesses your Facebook From The Computer

Here you will have in “detail the list of devices”, the country from where the connection was made, and the date of the same. You can even know their IP of them just by hovering the mouse over the device name.

If you do notice that there is a connection that you do not know, Facebook offers you the possibility of logging out of this device. To do so, simply click on the icon with the three dots on the right side where the device name appears and click the “Exit” option to log out.

Also, you will find the option Not you? , which allows you to change the password in the case that it is actually another person who has entered.

Discover Who EntersYyour Facebook From The Mobile

To perform this verification from your mobile device, we tell you that it is also a fairly simple process. Follow the steps that we show you below to achieve them.

  • Enter your Facebook account from the mobile app on your computer or tablet.
  • Once inside your profile, go to the menu located in the upper right which has three horizontal bars as an icon.
  • Discover who enters your Facebook from the mobile
  • Within this menu, a window with different options will be displayed. There, you must go to “Settings and privacy>
  • Settings” and go down until you reach “Security and login” with a shield-shaped icon.
  • Discover who enters your Facebook from mobile-2
  • Within this section, you will have the “Where did you log in” section, as, in the computer version, it shows you the latest devices where you have logged into your account. Similarly, if you press the “See all” option, it will show you a complete and equally detailed list of all devices, places, and dates of connection.
  • If you find a connection that you do not know, click on the option of the three dots to display a small menu where you can choose between “Close session” to disconnect your account on that device or “Protect your account”, which allows you -among others options – change password.

It is important that you bear in mind that the subject of the location is not 100% exact, so there may be a small variation in terms of the area. However, it is not something crazy either, do not think that being from Madrid will show you from Paris.

Now that you know how to know who enters your Facebook account without your consent, you can further protect your privacy and information by controlling which devices can access your profile and taking the necessary measures in case you are the victim of a security breach.

You might also want to know – How to hide your Facebook stories from someone specific
