If you want to restore your Windows 10 computer and you do not have a backup of your activation key, these are the steps to follow to obtain it with and without programs. If you have a Windows computer, it is likely that at some point you have heard about the activation key, especially when you have a valid license.
There are some very specific cases in which you may need this Windows activation key, especially if you need to reinstall the system, activate Windows in another operator, or simply want to change the product key to a more current one.
Although it is not a very complex procedure, many people do not know how to obtain this key. Therefore, we tell you how to know the Windows activation key in simple fail-safe steps. Do you want to know what they are? Do not stop reading this article.
Is Your Windows License Valid? So You Can Know
The first step before knowing what the Windows activation key is is to know if it is valid. But don’t worry, this process only requires two easy steps and it won’t take you more than a few seconds to complete. Just follow these instructions:
- Go to “Start – Control Panel – System” on your PC.
Your Windows license is valid So you can find out if your Windows license is valid? So you can know
Once there, locate the “Windows Activation” section. You must confirm that the operating system is
“Activated”. To do this, you must produce a text stating that Windows is activated.
Your Windows license is valid So you can find out verify that the Windows system is correctly active
You Can Know the Windows Activation Key
Once it is confirmed that your Windows has a valid license, the next step is to know what the activation key is. To do this, there are two very simple methods: one is without programs and the second is through software. Here we explain what to do in both situations.
Windows activation key without programs:
- To know the Windows activation key without the need to use additional programs, you can follow the following steps:
- On your computer, go to “Start” and type the command “Regedit”. Once the search result appears, you must right-click on this option and “Run as administrator”.
- Next, a browser window will open. In it, you must locate the following path: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSoftwareProtectionPlatform”.
- Now, click on the option “SoftwareProtectionPlatform” and look for the entry “BackupProductKeyDefault”.
- A series of data will appear, however, the one you need is in the third location, this being “the Windows activation key“.
Note: it is advisable not to alter any field or data in the registry editor, as this could have serious consequences for the normal functioning of the system.
So that you can easily identify this Windows activation key, it is made up of five groups of five alphanumeric characters each, so you will see that it has the following structure:
HJ72A-ASD93-39VJA-NAS09-8SHFS (This key is for demonstration purposes only)
Activation Key With a Program
Despite being a completely valid method, it is not recommended to apply it, mainly for two reasons:
As we explained in the previous section, knowing the Windows activation key is very simple.
This is confidential information and the use of third-party software to know it can generate security risks on your computer.
Having explained this, if you are still interested in knowing how to know the Windows activation key through a program, you should only:
Download the Product Key. It is an executable file that will show you the activation key for your Windows operating system and some other details. Just download and start it to get this information. It is very simple and fast to use.
As you will see, we show you two alternatives to know the Windows activation key in seconds. Now let us know which is your favorite alternative and if you knew any of them.