February 20, 2025
The British Royal Navy Already Tests The Gravity Jet Suit for Use in Collisions

Who wouldn’t want to enjoy some of the most outstanding technology from Iron Man? Gravity has created a similar project. The British Royal Navy is already testing it.

For some time now, multiple episodes have been observed in international waters that target smuggling activities or, simply, assaults on merchant ships. This is causing the powers of many countries to be allocating more funds to combat such deplorable attitudes. Every year hundreds of millions of dollars go to this destination.

In many of these situations, it is difficult to get a boat back. After all, it is not always easy to retake a position using smaller vessels. A good way to get rid of pirates in the waters bordering many countries could be through access by air. In these cases, having jet equipment could be very effective.

Did you know that it is already being tested?

Gravity has been tested by the British Army to assess its potential. Some time ago, at Urban Tecno, we showed you how this means of transport could be an additional option to move, for example, around the city. This has not yet come, but certain advances have been seen that can unleash potential uses. The most prominent project in this regard is Gravity. It is a team made up of several motors capable of lifting the user a few dozen meters.

The Royal Marine of Great Britain has wanted to test this technology to assess its possible incorporation into the army of the sea. It is an experiment that can mark a before and after when it comes to military equipment. Now, does it have a future in the short term? There are some images that show, in great detail, how this innovation would work.

Let us see, therefore, what functions this technology could offer, why we are already facing a product with commercial aspirations, and, above all, to what extent it is a solution with great growth prospects in the medium and long term. Here is a preview of what this product can be in the ever closer future.

A project that can have high expectations at the military level

As often happens on these occasions, innovations in the field of mobility have their seed in the military or competition sector. Are we facing the first major project to bring solutions like Gravity to mass commercialization? The key to this technology lies in its performance in the air, an aspect that can be seen below.

In these images, which have been published by Gravity Industries, you can see how a member of the armed forces takes off from a boat in order to reach the main ship. It should be noted that both platforms are, at all times, in motion. You can see how we are facing one of the most outstanding projects in the jet field.

The Gravity project offers a number of drawbacks in the market several turbines are in charge of achieving the promotion of the user. Subsequently, the inclination of the same forwards and backward is what allows to development of the movement in question. It is, therefore, a question of balance, which is achieved after several attempts and a few minutes. Now, is it viable in the military field? Here’s a problem.

In relation to its main characteristics, it has 2 essential problems. On the one hand, the turbines generate a lot of noise, so the surprise effect would disappear instantly. On the other hand, the user carries a fuel can of up to 15 liters on his back. This makes it an easy target because of the potential for ignition that occurs in the event of a firefight.

Future solutions to take advantage of a differential project

Can a project with these characteristics have new implications in this segment? As can be read in the specialized portal New Atlas, this technology has a series of potential solutions that still need to be explored. So much so that it is already speculated with the inclusion of a machine gun in the upper part of the luggage.

Gravity is the most outstanding jet project you will find on the market. Business Insider
Its incorporation would therefore make much more sense in boarding ships by terrorist groups. Even so, the logical thing would be to think that this technology would make sense if a large number of soldiers incorporated these turbines. Only in this way could large-caliber maneuvers be carried out. Despite this, it is still too early to assess its inclusion in army equipment.

This proposal, however, adds a great deal of baggage to the computation designed by Gravity Industries. Little by little, a bet is being honed that could have great potential when it comes to popular marketing. Will this moment come? We’ll have to wait a little longer. In the meantime, you can entertain yourself by seeing how a weapon has been added to this solution in development.
