February 17, 2025
Deleting a WhatsApp Account Forever Step By Step!

If you no longer want to use the popular messaging service, you can permanently delete your account in just a few steps. Since its launch, WhatsApp has revolutionized the universe of messaging services, becoming the favorite of millions and millions of people in the world.

The popular application owned by Facebook offers endless possibilities, such as, for example, the fact of being able to send messages that disappear automatically. However, it is possible that you are already bored of using this app and want to try something new, so if that is your case, you are in the right place, since here we will tell you how to permanently delete a WhatsApp account.

You can delete your WhatsApp account forever

WhatsApp’s new privacy policy has not left its users very happy, so maybe you are thinking of leaving the app aside, or maybe you are just ready to try a new messaging service, which can be very common. . Either way, there are plenty of other similar platforms you can choose from, but first, you’ll have to get rid of WhatsApp for good.

Of course, you should be clear that although we will explain the steps you need to follow to delete your account, it will be up to you to decide which messaging service you want to start using. Right now, Signal and Telegram are among the most popular options, so perhaps it’s best to start there. For now, let’s just say goodbye to WhatsApp once and for all.

How to delete your WhatsApp account

There is practically only one way to carry out this action, and you can only do it from your smartphone since it is not possible to do it from the web version of WhatsApp. With that said, the best part about all of this is that it will only take a minute and you don’t need to provide too much information about why you want to leave. Follow these steps:

  • Enter the WhatsApp app from your smartphone.
  • Then, click on the three-point menu located in the upper right corner. This will bring up a tiny menu with a few options.
  • Now, within the drop-down menu, select the Settings option.
  • Once there, press and enter the Account section. You’ll find this option just below your display name, at the top of the screen.
  • Locate the option Delete my account at the bottom of the list of options and click on it.
  • Click the red Delete my account button after entering your phone number.
  • Now, select the reason why you are deleting your WhatsApp account from the drop-down menu and click Delete my account again.
  • Press the Delete my account button for the last time, and voila, you have already deleted your WhatsApp account forever.

As we said earlier, the process is quite simple and fast. You will have to confirm that you really want to delete your WhatsApp account several times until you are sure of what you are about to do. It is also important to clarify that you will not recover this account in the future, so once you have deleted it and returned to the login page, it will disappear permanently.

And if you regret deleting your WhatsApp account forever, you may be interested in knowing how to find out if someone has blocked you from the popular messaging service.
