January 19, 2025
Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine for Pitta, Kapha, and Vata

It is possible to balance the three Doshas by using particular herbal treatments and recipes. For the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas, Kerala Ayurveda offers a variety of Ayurvedic medications. Check out this section to learn more about those medications.

If you want to get to know more about the Three Dosha Types before continuing reading this article, you can check up The Importance of knowing our Dosha Body Type

Medicine for the Kapha Dosha

The following Ayurvedic medications could help you to regulate your vitiated Kapha:

  • Anu Thailam is one of the potent oils that is primarily used to balance vitiated Kapha and to treat nasal congestion and blocked noses.

You can use the oil by lying comfortably on a bed, putting one to two drops of it in your nostrils, and giving it a good sniff. You can spit out the oil when it gets to your throat.

By performing this once everyday, you can keep your body’s Kapha system in a balanced state.

Ayurvedic  medicine

Anu Thailam



  • Karpooradi Thailam is another Ayurvedic oil for nasal congestion and the Kapha Dosha.

Simply take a small amount of the oil and rub it on your chest. Regular use will assist in bringing your body’s vitiated Kapha into balance.

Triphala sparkles are effervescent pills from Kerala Ayurveda that you can take anywhere and dissolve in a glass of water. Sip the beverage once the bubbles appear to experience Triphala’s Kapha-optimizing effects.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Karpooradi Thailam


Medicine for Vata Dosha

Here is a list of ayurvedic goods that can balance your body’s vitiated Vata:

  • Dhanwantharam Gulika: The Dhanwantharam pills from Kerala Ayurveda are very helpful for balancing Vata Dosha, as well as for enhancing digestion and arousing hunger.

Consult an Ayurvedic doctor before determining the dosage.


Dhanwantharam Gulika


  • Bala Thailam: Guduchi, Rasna, and Devadharu are the main components of bala thailam. When practised properly, Bala Thailam helps optimise your body’s unbalanced Vata levels while calming your senses.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Bala Thailam



In addition, Vata Dosha can be balanced with the use of Balarishta and Dhanwantharam Kwath. The goods can be found on Kerala Ayurveda.

Medicine for the Pitta Dosha

A list of Ayurvedic items for balancing Pitta Dosha is provided below:

  • Guduchyadi Kwath
  • Drakshadi Kwath
  • Chandanasavam
  • Alsactil
  • Avipathi Churnam

All of these items are offered by Kerala Ayurveda and can assist you to improve the vitiated Pitta in your body.

Exercises Designed for Each Ayurvedic Body Type

Depending on your Dosha type, you can modify your exercise routine and other activities. This will assist you in enhancing your health and addressing any Dosha vitiation.

Vata Body Type Exercises

Vata-type individuals require constant physical activity. This Dosha’s main trait is movement. As a result, the exercise should include activities like dancing, jogging, walking, swimming, and yoga poses that need movement.

Pitta Body Type Exercises

Pitta needs to be kept at cooler temperatures since it produces heat. Heat is generated by exercise. So individuals with Pitta types should refrain from excessive exertion.

When the temperature is cool, they should work out in the early morning or late evening. Pittas are competitive, therefore participating in team sports might be beneficial. It may be beneficial to self-massage with a cooling oil.

Kapha Body Type Exercises

Those with a strong Kapha physique might need encouragement to exercise.

You might try inviting a buddy or member of your family to join you and encourage you to work out. Increase your cardio workouts to boost your health. Yoga is beneficial to the body and ought to be exercised. Since respiratory issues are frequent in this type, breathing exercises are necessary.

Key Takeaways: Making Friends with the Doshas in Your Life

Your body’s main functioning energies are known as doshas. They will always be with you because they are a part of your body. The three doshas are rarely perfectly balanced, but there are still such cases in which the people are called  Tridoshic. Bi-doshic natures are more common among people. 

Our lives can be impacted by both the positive and negative aspects of these Doshas, so we should try to optimise them.

These Doshas are our lifelong acquaintances on the spiritual path. We must become friends with these Doshas, learn about their characteristics, and modify our behaviour to coexist with them.

So what does it require to befriend a Dosha?

One should be aware of the characteristics of their dominant Dosha(s) and be aware of the things that can aggravate or calm the Dosha(s).

For instance, a Pitta body type is one that is characterised by heat. Therefore, you should exercise caution during hot weather and stay away from spicy and hot foods. To balance your dosha, apply the laws of opposites.

The content in this blog is intended to help you better understand the three doshas, how they may affect your life, and how to balance and get along with them.
