February 22, 2025
How to Uninstall Games and Apps on Android TV

In a few steps, you can uninstall games and applications from your Android TV.

More and more homes have a smart TV, these devices have ceased to be luxury objects for a few and have become a gadget that is already present in many homes and is part of the daily life of their inhabitants. And is that on an Android TV you can not only watch programs, movies, and series, but you can also have Google Assistant and other useful applications.

As in a smartphone, a smart TV allows us to install many applications and games for the Android platform. What happens when some of them are no longer used and we want to free up space? Just as you can remove applications from an Android mobile phone, it is also possible to remove applications from an Android TV.

As always, we make it easy for you, and we are going to tell you step by step how to uninstall games and applications on Android TV.

How to uninstall apps on Android TV

From settings

From the settings go to Device> Applications, select the app, and then “Uninstall” from the pop-up menu.

  1. On the Android TV main screen, scroll down to Settings.
  2. Under Device select Apps.
  3. Select the game or application you want to uninstall.
  4. A pop-up menu will open showing the options Open, Move, Add to favorites, Info, and Uninstall. You must choose the Uninstall option and then OK.

That’s it, you have already uninstalled the application or game you wanted. Repeat the same process with each one you want to remove.

From Google Play Store

  1. Open Play Store on your Android TV
  2. In the Installed list, find the app or game you want to remove.
  3. Once you have found the application, select the Uninstall option.
  4. Clever! In the same way, you must proceed with all the apps and games that you want to uninstall.

You must bear in mind that the system does not allow you to uninstall pre-installed applications on Android TV, you can only remove the applications or games that you have installed yourself on the device.

If there are apps you don’t want to see on the top row of the Android TV main screen, you should turn off notifications for those apps. To do this go to Settings> Applications. Then select an application> Notifications> Disable.

As you can see, removing games and applications from your Android TV is as easy as doing it on your mobile, it will take you a few seconds to complete the entire process.
