Did you know that installing fake security cameras could be a good way to prevent theft in your home? Here are some tips to choose the best ones on the market.
Have you ever considered putting badges that warn you about having an assistance service installed to prevent theft? This practice can work, but the truth is that there is an even better alternative. Buying fake security cameras is a solution that is gaining more and more followers. Now, how do you confuse thieves?
This practice is not new, so not all cameras perform their function correctly. After all, there are organized gangs that specialize in detecting which devices are fake and which ones do record images. That is why it is worth investing money in products that, practically, falsehood is undetectable.
To make it difficult to detect the ineffectiveness of this technology, it is important that fake security cameras have certain key features. The first of them is entirely related to lighting. It is very important that you give the impression that the lens is recording all the time. The arrangement of an LED-type light can be of great help.
Something similar happens with having a cable that seems to connect to the electrical lines inside the house. In this way, cameras can serve as a deterrent to prevent unauthorized access to the home. In addition, the angle of rotation is required to be high to be able to orient the putative lens to either side.
Dummy Wireless Fake Surveillance Security Camera
This security camera is specially designed to discourage the production of a robbery. The operation is very simple. Simply anchor the case to a wall for highly effective performance. It has an LED light that flashes every 5 seconds to offer greater credibility.
The package also includes a series of labels to be placed at strategic points on the façade to inform about the presence of a closed circuit of cameras. It has everything you need for its installation.
TOROTON 4 pieces of dummy camera
This style of camera is intended to be more discreet. However, the package includes a total of 4 units, which you can install in those areas that are most visible from the outside.
It was created with the intention of being placed on ceilings. It has all the necessary elements to prevent the entry of outsiders. In fact, it contains an LED light to warn intruders about the presence of the device.
Kwmobile Fake Surveillance Camera
The manufacturer wanted to design a product to be used indoors and outdoors. Therefore, it has protection against inclement weather. In another vein, its installation is very simple, since the package includes all kinds of screws and anchors necessary for its correct installation.
It works with AAA batteries, so its operation is guaranteed for long periods of time. At the end of the day, only a low consumption LED type light has to be powered. The material used is plastic.
BW 1100B Security Camera
Created to reduce the risk of theft, it offers great performance thanks to its convenient installation. It only needs 2 AA batteries to work and when it comes to deterring it is very effective.
Its measurements are 16 x 8 x 7.4 centimeters, with an LED-type light visible to attract the gaze of thieves. The mounting bracket is adjustable and installation takes a few minutes. Plus, it doesn’t require wiring.