March 29, 2025
Apple Vision Pro web apps app iPad iPhone

Apple has been promoting some of the apps meant for its spatial computing headset extensively in the days leading up to the Vision Pro’s release. Download Disney Plus to see Tatooine films! On your face, Slack, Fantastical, and Microsoft Office! You can FaceTime as a floating hologram with your buddies! However, it’s becoming more and more obvious that one app—Safari—will be largely responsible for the Vision Pro’s early success and the answer to the issue of what this headset is truly used for.

Why apps are not enough and the WWW is still a power?

You’re correct, buddies. Web browsers have returned. And if Apple hopes this $3,500 face computer to be a success, it needs them more than ever. At least initially, the open web is Apple’s best opportunity to turn its headgear into a success. However, embracing the web would entail jeopardising the very things that have made Apple so wealthy and powerful in the mobile age. Since it appears that developers are taking their time creating new apps for Apple’s new platform, at least thus far.

In the past, Apple has excelled in incentivizing developers to create apps that stay up with its latest releases. Within a few weeks after it introduces enhancements for iPhones and iPads, a sizable portion of the App Store will support those capabilities. However, it seems like developers are moving slowly with Vision Pro development thus far.

There are many compelling reasons to select from, albeit the specific explanations differ depending on the App Store. One is that it’s a brand-new platform with innovative user interface concepts and usability issues on a very pricey gadget that only a select few will have access to for some time. It’s true that you can essentially migrate your iPad software to the Vision Pro by checking a box, but it might not satisfy everyone.

Apple Vision Pro web apps app iPad iPhone

Are the big companies going to help the newborn kid of Apple to run?

The larger issue is the growing discord between Apple and its developers. Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, and other well-known businesses have said that they would not be developing apps for the Vision Pro and its visionOS platform. These same businesses have also publicly criticised Apple for the way the App Store is managed. For years, Spotify has been critical of Apple’s thirty percent take from in-app purchases.

Years ago, Netflix and Apple struck a sweetheart agreement wherein Netflix would split only 15 percent of income. However, Netflix has long since ceased allowing users to subscribe to Netflix via an iOS device and has refused to take part in the discovery aspect of the Apple TV app. A few years back, YouTube banned in-app payments and even terminated subscriptions that users had bought through the App Store to avoid paying Apple’s fee.

All this corporate infighting has the potential to completely change the way we use our devices

Since Apple was forced to permit developers to link out to other locations where customers may pay for applications, you would assume that the recent resolution of the Apple vs. Epic lawsuit would have improved matters. However, Apple amended its conditions to state that developers still owe Apple a commission even in the event that a user follows the link and subscribes online. Granted, it’s just 27% as opposed to 30%, but nobody’s going to be persuaded by that. The message was quite clear: Apple will receive a portion of any product sold through the App Store.

What happens, then, if you can no longer access Apple consumers through the App Store? With the Vision Pro leading the pack, all this corporate infighting has the power to fundamentally alter how we use our gadgets. It’s not like you can’t use Spotify on the headset; you’ll simply have to visit in instead of hitting an app icon.

The same goes for Netflix, YouTube, and any other web application that chooses not to develop a native app for the Vision Pro. Additionally, a browser is required for gamers, regardless of whether they want to play Fortnite or utilise Xbox Game Pass. We’ve all switched from opening webpages to tapping app icons over the previous ten or so years, but it looks like the days of the URL are returning.

Apple Vision Pro web apps app iPad iPhone

Many users might mostly not notice the difference between opening the Spotify app and going to

This is a huge victory for the internet’s future if you think that the open web is beneficial and that developers should focus more on their online apps rather than their native ones. (Disclosure: I think all of these things are true.) The issue is that it is occurring after mobile platforms have consistently ignored and degraded users’ browsing experiences for almost 20 years. Although online applications may be accessed through homescreen bookmarks, which are essentially shortcuts to them, they lack some built-in functionality of your phone, such as cross-app collaboration and offline modes.

However, there are some causes for optimism: It appears Apple is aware of Safari’s existence and is prepared to grant it access to certain native functionality, as seen by the recent addition of multiple profiles, support for external webcams on the iPad, and a few other features. For years, it seemed as though Apple would gladly give up on Safari completely if given the chance; after all, it maintains strict control over every aspect of its platforms, whereas the internet is a completely unpredictable space. However, it seems like the business is still committed to making Safari function. (It’s also likely that the antitrust pressure centred on Safari is contributing to the progress.)

Apple rules the app world with an iron fist. Now, as developers reassert their control, Apple needs Safari to work for its headset to work.

Some platform-specific capabilities of Safari for visionOS include the ability to open many windows simultaneously and move them around in virtual space. Recently, a video that was released revealed someone interacting with a 3D item on a website. During last year’s WWDC, Apple developers revealed that they had totally revamped the tab overview for visionOS and made minor adjustments to ensure that the browser supported both touch and the visionOS’s essential double-pinching and eye-tracking features.

As people do bizarre things with their headsets, Apple has been alerting developers to make sure their apps are ready for a wide range of different screen sizes and layouts. Additionally, the business said that it will support WebXR, a browser-based virtual reality protocol with some incredibly realistic applications.

For a few years, there have also been rumours that Apple will no longer restrict developers to use WebKit, allowing other browsers to be developed using alternative rendering engines. You may be able to use full-featured versions of Chrome or Firefox on your Apple devices—possibly even the Vision Pro—if and when that occurs.

Is there a wining side, Apple?

This modification, together with the growing focus on progressive web applications (PWAs), which are cross-platform web apps that Windows, Mac, and Android are beginning to adopt more actively, may virtually instantly make the browser on your headset much more potent. Many people may not notice the difference between launching the Spotify app and visiting if they have a strong browser with PWAs. The web as a whole wins with that.

From the outset, the Vision Pro will be helpful and powerful due to its robust and tightly integrated desktop-class browser. Apple ought to support alternative desktop-class browsers, embrace Safari, and handle the Vision Pro like the powerful user platform that it is. However, not enough of Safari has been shown to the public for visionOS to determine if it is all of those things, and I’m not sure Apple wants it to be.

For Apple, the underlying dilemma is this: is it more crucial to launch the Vision Pro successfully or maintain complete control over the App Store at all costs? I’m not convinced Apple can have it both ways as it attempts to build a platform shift in response to PCs.
